WEBTISS Technologies opens its UK office Paris, 6 December, 2000 WEBTISS Technologies, a subsidiary of IT Link, continues its international development by opening its UK office in London. Based on its international experience accounting for 10% of its turnover(1), WEBTISS Technologies, Mobile Internet Solutions Operator and Architect confirms its international development with the opening of a new office in London. As a major market in Mobile Internet new technologies, the United Kingdom constitutes a strategic step for WEBTISS Technologies international development. This choice is based on the following features: * A right environment for WEBTISS Technologies setting up: * Mobile Phones Equipment Rate: Mobile phones equipment rate(2) at the end of the first semester 2000 reached 52 % in the United Kingdom whereas it amounted at the end of September 2000 to 43.6 % of the French population (3). * Telecom Infrastructure: The UK market shows a great reactivity concerning new technologies and new standards integration (GPRS tests were carried out in a test business environment in May-June 2000, UMTS bids were among the first in Europe, ). * A strong potential development for WEBTISS Technologies activities: * Mobile Internet Equipment Rate: At the end of the year 2001, Mobile Internet equipment rate will rise to 33.3 % of the whole UK population according to forecasts, and to 26.6 % in France (2). WAP equipment intentions in the next twelve months are higher in the United Kingdom (18 %) than in France (15 %), in the USA (12 %) or in Germany (9 %) (4). * An synergy between market actors favourable for WEBTISS Technologies: * Commercial and Marketing Dynamism: UK Telecom operators are showing their dynamic strengths in promoting Mobile Internet access. For example, BT Cellnet recently launched unlimited Mobile Internet access campaigns to promote market development.
WEBTISS Technologies establishes itself in an important European market which shows continued growth. The creation of this office enables us to highlight our skills in a international environment and then to benefit from an invaluable feedback for all of our customers" John Benatouil, WEBTISS Technologies Associate Director, IT LINK Executive Vice President.
WEBTISS Technologies UK Contact: Business Development Manager - Jean Nicaise [email protected] Merchant House 89 Southwark Street LONDON SE1 0HX Tel: +44 (0) 207 960 4690
(1) Forecast turnover 2000 - (2) Source: Global Mobile Subscribers Forecasts - (3) Source ART (www.art-telecom.fr) - (4) Source TNS Telecom November 2000
About WEBTISS Technologies : WEBTISS Technologies was founded in 1999 as a subsidiary of IT Link, the French Information Technology specialists. IT Link is quoted on the Paris Stock Exchange under NM7259 and is a major R&D player in the telecom, aviation, automobile and rail industries. WEBTISS Technologies was created as a world-wide "one-stop-shop" for mobile Internet solutions, with WAP, Java, and SIM Toolkit offerings. WEBTISS offers Mobile Banking, Mobile Retail, Mobile Travel & Leisure, and Mobile Office, among other WAP solutions, to a broad range of vertical markets. www.webtiss.com
About IT Link : As a specialist of embedded computer and electronic systems and of Mobile-Internet, IT Link offers global services of consulting and development to major industries, looking for an expertise combining electronics, real-time systems and new information technologies. IT Link is quoted on the Paris stock Exchange (EuroNM). (NM 7259). References : A�rospatiale, Alcatel, Alstom, Bouygues Telecom, Cegetel, Ericsson, HP, IBM France, Lucent Technologies, Matra, Philips, PSA, Renault, Schlumberger, Sextant Avionique, Siemens, Thomson, Valeo. www.itlink.fr
Contacts WEBTISS Technologies www.webtiss.com WAP demonstrations: www.nouveauweb.com
Marketing Manager No�mie Keller [email protected]
PR Manager M�lanie Barreau [email protected]
11, boulevard Brune 75014 Paris - FRANCE Tel : +33 (0) / Fax :+33 (0)