WAP 1.2 Specification Suite
The following specifications represent
the WAP 1.2 Specification Suite. The WAP Specification Suite has been updated to WAP June
2000 conformance release. To see the WAP June 2000 conformance release version of the
specifications, click here.
Change history:
2001-11-12: The zip file associated with the previous update had an
incorrect content and has been replaced.
2001-11-06: A number of SINs have been added to the release:
2001-10-15: SIN WAP-145_101-PushMessage-20010614-a.pdf
has been added, replacing WAP-145_100.
SINs WAP-161_101-WMLScriptCrypto-20010730-a.pdf
An archive of all WAP 1.2 technical documents is
contained here:
(4.8 MB)
- WAP-100, Wireless Application Protocol Architecture
- SPEC-WAPArch-19980430.pdf
- WAP-152, Wireless Application Environment Overview
- SPEC-WAEOverview-19991104.pdf
- WAP-153, Wireless Application Environment Specification
- SPEC-WAESpec-19991104.pdf
- WAP-153_100, Wireless Application Environment SIN
- WAP-153_100-WAESpec-20001213-a.pdf
- WAP-155, Wireless Markup Language Specification
- SPEC-WML-19991104.pdf
- WAP-154, Binary XML Content Format Specification
- SPEC-WBXML-19991104.pdf
- WAP-156, WMLScript Language Specification
- SPEC-WMLScript-19991104.pdf
- WAP-157, WMLScript Standard Libraries Specification
- SPEC-WMLScriptLibs-19991104.pdf
- WAP-108, WMLScript Statement of Intent
- SPEC-WMLScriptIntent-19980430.pdf
- WAP-120, WAP Caching Model Specification
- WAP-120-WAPCachingMod-20010413-a.pdf
- WAP-174, User Agent Profiling Specification
- SPEC-UAProf-19991110.pdf
- WAP-174_003, User Agent Profiling SIN
- WAP-174_003-UAProf-20010208-a.pdf
- WAP-174_004, User Agent Profiling SIN
- WAP-174_004-UAProf-20010208-a.pdf
- WAP-174_006, User Agent Profiling SIN
- WAP-174_006-UAProf-20011002-a.pdf
- WAP-174_100, User Agent Profiling SIN
- WAP-174_100-UAProf-20000621-a.pdf
- WAP-165, Push Architectural Overview
- SPEC-PushArchOverview-19991108.pdf
- WAP-151, Push Proxy Gateway Service Specification
- SPEC-PPGService-19990816.pdf
- WAP-151_100, Push Proxy Gateway Service SIN
- WAP-151_100-PPGService-20000218-a.pdf
- WAP-151_101, Push Proxy Gateway Service SIN
- WAP-151_101-PPGService-20010422-a.pdf
- WAP-151_102, Push Proxy Gateway Service SIN
- WAP-151_102-PPGService-20010927-a.pdf
- WAP-145, Push Message Specification
- SPEC-PushMessage-19990816.pdf
- WAP-145_101, Push Message SIN
- WAP-145_101-PushMessage-20010614-a.pdf
- WAP-166, Push OTA Protocol Specification
- SPEC-PushOTA-19991108.pdf
- WAP-167, WAP Service Indication Specification
- WAP-167-ServiceInd-20010731-a.pdf
- WAP-167_103, WAP Service Indication SIN
- WAP-167_103-ServiceInd-20010926-a.pdf
- WAP-168, WAP Service Loading Specification
- WAP-168-ServiceLoad-20010731-a.pdf
- WAP-168_103, WAP Service Loading SIN
- WAP-168_103-ServiceLoad-20010816-a.pdf
- WAP-164, Push Access Protocol Specification
- SPEC-PAP-19991108.pdf
- WAP-164_100, Push Access Protocol SIN
- WAP-164_100-PAP-20000218-a.pdf
- WAP-164_101, Push Access Protocol SIN
- WAP-164_101-PAP-20010420-a.pdf
- WAP-164_102, Push Access Protocol SIN
- WAP-164_102-PAP-20010731-a.pdf
- WAP-162, Wireless Session Protocol Specification
- SPEC-WSP-19991105.pdf
- WAP-133, Wireless Transaction Protocol Specification
- SPEC-WTP-19990611.pdf
- WAP-158, Wireless Datagram Protocol Specification
- SPEC-WDP-19991105.pdf
- WAP-140, WAP over GSM USSD Specification
- SPEC-WAPOverGSMUSSD-19990715.pdf
- WAP-144, Wireless Control Message Protocol Specification
- SPEC-WCMP-19990804.pdf
- WAP-159, WDP/WCMP Wireless Data Gateway Adaptation
- SPEC-WDPWCMPAdapt-19991105.pdf
- WAP-163, Wireless Transport Layer Security Specification
- SPEC-WTLS-19991105.pdf
- WAP-160, Wireless Identity Module
- SPEC-WIM-19991105.pdf
- WAP-161, WMLScript Crypto API Library Specification
- WAP-161-WMLScriptCrypto-20010620-a.pdf
- WAP-161_101, WMLScript Crypto API Library SIN
- WAP-161_101-WMLScriptCrypto-20010730-a.pdf
- WAP-169, Wireless Telephony Application Specification
- WAP-169-WTA-20000707-a.pdf
- WAP-169_101, Wireless Telephony Application SIN
- WAP-169_101-WTA-20001107-a.pdf
- WAP-169_102, Wireless Telephony Application SIN
- WAP-169_102-WTA-20010206-a.pdf
- WAP-169_104, Wireless Telephony Application SIN
- WAP-169_104-WTA-20010508-a.pdf
- WAP-169_105, Wireless Telephony Application SIN
- WAP-169_105-WTA-20010519-a.pdf
- WAP-170, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
- WAP-170-WTAI-20000707-a.pdf
- WAP-170_101, Wireless Telephony Application Interface SIN
- WAP-170_101-WTAI-20010206-a.pdf
- WAP-170_102, Wireless Telephony Application Interface SIN
- WAP-170_102-WTAI-20010226-a.pdf
- WAP-171, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
Specification, GSM Specific Addendum
- WAP-171-WTAIGSM-20000707-a.pdf
- WAP-171_101, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
Specification, GSM Specific Addendum SIN
- WAP-171_101-WTAIGSM-20010206-a.pdf
- WAP-171_102, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
Specification, GSM Specific Addendum SIN
- WAP-171_102-WTAIGSM-20010213-a.pdf
- WAP-171_103, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
Specification, GSM Specific Addendum SIN
- WAP-171_103-WTAIGSM-20010516-a.pdf
- WAP-172, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
Specification, IS-136 Specific Addendum
- WAP-172-WTAIIS136-20000707-a.pdf
- WAP-172_101, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
Specification, IS-136 Specific Addendum SIN
- WAP-172_101-WTAIIS136-20010206-a.pdf
- WAP-173, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
Specification, PDC Specific Addendum
- WAP-173-WTAIPDC-20000728-a.pdf
- WAP-173_101, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
Specification, PDC Specific Addendum SIN
- WAP-173_101-WTAIPDC-200010206-a.pdf
- WAP-173_102, Wireless Telephony Application Interface
Specification, PDC Specific Addendum SIN
- WAP-173_102-WTAIPDC-200010507-a.pdf
WAP 1.2 Certification Documents
There are no certifications document available
for WAP 1.2, since it has been decided that to make those directly for the June 2000
conformance release instead.
DTDs associated with WAP 1.2
A Document Type Definition (DTD) is a formal description in
XML declaration syntax of a particular type of document. It sets out what names are to be
used for the different types of element, where they may occur, and how they all fit
together. The following DTDs are associated with WAP 1.2:
1.2 DTD
PAP (Push Access Protocol) DTD
Push Service Indication DTD
Push Service Loading DTD